1992 RISC PASSCAL EXPERIMENT ---------------------------- For a description of the RISC experiment, see IRIS newsletter, v. X11, #2 (summer, 1993). This tar tape contains the following files: GEOM27SHOTS_Z.DAT SierraSeis-compatible geometry file for vert component. GEOM27USGS.DAT SierraSeis-compatible geometry file for USGS experiment. RARCO0.f IRIS-SEIS subroutine to extract ARCO data from archive RARCOX.f SEGY tapes. Stored 2 msec data -> 4 msec data. README This file. SEGYHEAD.DAT IRIS-SEIS job to print SEGY headers describing RISC. SP.description Description of USGS shots used in RISC experiment. SP.latlong Coordinates of shot points. SP.stackchart Description of shot points relative to RISC arrays. XY.USGS_utm Coordinates of USGS array in UTM. XY.USGSarray Coordinates of USGS array in lat-long. colocated.stations Table of RISC colocated stations (instrumentation). data_size Description of data format and size. full_array Table of entire RISC array. Stations, boxes, deploy. instrument_set Type of instruments in the RISC array. segy_exabyte RISC definition of SEGY headers on exabyte data tapes. segy_headers Full description of RISC use of SEGY headers. segy_tapeformat Description of data format on SEGY exabyte data tapes.