ref2segy: Version Number 93.111d State of Health 93:310:00:39:53:209 ST: 0364 310:00:39:53 RAM CLEARED 310:00:39:53 SERTSK RESET, Buffer contents lost. 310:00:39:58 DISK FORMAT CALLED 310:00:40:26 SCSI COMMAND COMPLETE 310:00:53:39 SYSTEM RESET 310:00:53:41 SYSTEM POWERUP 2: UNIT 364, CPU VER 02.50 310:00:53:41 MEMORY USED=1, AVAILABLE=2559, TOTAL=2560 310:00:53:41 BATTERY VOLTAGE = 00.0V, TEMPERATURE = -1C 310:00:53:42 DSP REPORTS 0 24-BIT A/D BOARDS 310:00:53:43 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION: 0101 310:00:53:43 ACQUISITION OFF AT POWERUP 310:00:53:43 POWERUP COMPLETE 310:00:53:43 EXTERNAL CLOCK IS LOCKED 310:00:53:43 INTERNAL CLOCK PHASE ERROR OF 905 USECONDS 310:00:53:43 EXTERNAL CLOCK STATION IS N DAKOTA 310:00:53:44 DSP CLOCK SET: OLD=00:000:00:00:00.577, NEW=93:310:00:53:43.007 310:00:53:44 DSP CLOCK DIFFERENCE: 26700823 SECS AND -570 MSECS 310:00:53:44 DSP CLOCK HAS CHANGED 1 TIMES 310:00:53:49 CPU SOFTWARE V02.50 310:00:53:49 ACQUISITION ENABLED WITH DELAY OF 00:00 Station Channel Definition 93:310:00:53:42:347 ST: 0364 Experiment Number = 03 Experiment Name = SRP 10 KM Comments - Station Number = 24 Station Name = ILS Station Comments - BROCK DAS Model Number = DAS Serial Number = Experiment Start Time = Time Clock Type = NONE Clock Serial Number = Channel Number = 1 Name - V Azimuth - Inclination - 0 Location X - Y - Z - XY Units - Z Units - Preamplifier Gain = 32 Sensor Model - STR Sensor Serial Number - 99147 Volts per Bit = 3.576 uV Comments - Channel Number = 2 Name - NW Azimuth - N45W Inclination - 90 Location X - Y - Z - XY Units - Z Units - Preamplifier Gain = 32 Sensor Model - Sensor Serial Number - Volts per Bit = 3.576 uV Comments - Channel Number = 3 Name - NE Azimuth - N45E Inclination - 90 Location X - Y - Z - EEMR XY Units - Z Units - Preamplifier Gain = 32 Sensor Model - Sensor Serial Number - Volts per Bit = 3.576 uV Comments - Wake-up Sequence Definition 93:310:00:53:42:347 ST: 0364 Power State : CP Recording Mode : SC Data Stream Definition 93:310:00:53:42:347 ST: 0364 Data Stream 2 EXTERNAL Channels 123 Sample rate 10 samples per second Data Format 16 Filters Trigger Type EXT Pretrigger Length (seconds ) 0 Record Length (seconds) 1000 Data Stream 4 50SPSCON Channels 123 Sample rate 50 samples per second Data Format 16 Filters Trigger Type CON Record Length (seconds) 3600 Calibration Definition 93:310:00:53:42:347 ST: 0364 Start time : Year 1993 Day 100 00:00:00 Repeat Interval Days 02 00:00:00 Number of Repeats 200 Length of CAL (seconds) 100 Step ON Period (seconds) 200 Size (seconds) 201 Amplitude (volts) 8.00 Output to COIL Freq OFF Noise OFF State of Health 93:310:00:53:50:153 ST: 0364 310:00:53:52 ACQUISITION STARTED 310:00:53:52 STANDARD FORMAT OMEGA EXTERNAL CLOCK 310:00:53:52 EXTERNAL CLOCK IS LOCKED 310:00:54:16 SCSI COMMAND COMPLETE 310:02:27:54 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0001 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:00:53:49:402 TT = 1993:310:00:53:49:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:02:28:49:015 ST: 0364 310:02:28:49 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:04:02:38 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0002 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:01:53:51:602 TT = 1993:310:01:53:51:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0003 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:02:53:53:802 TT = 1993:310:02:53:53:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:04:03:33:016 ST: 0364 310:04:03:33 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:05:37:42 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0004 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:03:53:56:002 TT = 1993:310:03:53:56:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:05:38:37:016 ST: 0364 310:05:38:37 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:07:12:26 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0005 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:04:53:58:202 TT = 1993:310:04:53:58:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0006 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:05:54:00:402 TT = 1993:310:05:54:00:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:07:13:21:015 ST: 0364 310:07:13:21 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:08:47:26 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0007 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:06:54:02:602 TT = 1993:310:06:54:02:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:08:48:21:017 ST: 0364 310:08:48:21 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:10:22:03 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0008 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:07:54:04:802 TT = 1993:310:07:54:04:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0009 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:08:54:07:002 TT = 1993:310:08:54:07:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:10:22:58:016 ST: 0364 310:10:22:58 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:11:56:47 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0010 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:09:54:09:202 TT = 1993:310:09:54:09:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0011 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:10:54:11:402 TT = 1993:310:10:54:11:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:11:57:42:016 ST: 0364 310:11:57:42 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:13:31:48 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0012 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:11:54:13:602 TT = 1993:310:11:54:13:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:13:32:43:015 ST: 0364 310:13:32:43 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:15:06:32 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0013 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:12:54:15:802 TT = 1993:310:12:54:15:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0014 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:13:54:18:002 TT = 1993:310:13:54:18:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:15:07:28:015 ST: 0364 310:15:07:28 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:16:41:35 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0015 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:14:54:20:202 TT = 1993:310:14:54:20:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:16:42:30:016 ST: 0364 310:16:42:30 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:18:16:09 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0016 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:15:54:22:402 TT = 1993:310:15:54:22:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0017 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:16:54:24:602 TT = 1993:310:16:54:24:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:18:17:04:015 ST: 0364 310:18:17:04 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:19:51:13 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0018 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:17:54:26:802 TT = 1993:310:17:54:26:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:19:52:09:020 ST: 0364 310:19:52:09 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:21:25:47 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0019 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:18:54:29:002 TT = 1993:310:18:54:29:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0020 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:19:54:31:202 TT = 1993:310:19:54:31:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:21:26:43:017 ST: 0364 310:21:26:43 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 310:23:00:31 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0021 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:20:54:33:402 TT = 1993:310:20:54:33:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0022 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:21:54:35:602 TT = 1993:310:21:54:35:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:310:23:01:27:017 ST: 0364 310:23:01:27 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:00:35:31 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0023 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:22:54:37:802 TT = 1993:310:22:54:37:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:00:36:27:015 ST: 0364 311:00:36:27 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:02:10:18 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0024 DS: 4 FST = 1993:310:23:54:40:002 TT = 1993:310:23:54:40:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0025 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:00:54:42:202 TT = 1993:311:00:54:42:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:02:11:14:016 ST: 0364 311:02:11:14 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:03:45:19 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0026 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:01:54:44:402 TT = 1993:311:01:54:44:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:03:46:15:016 ST: 0364 311:03:46:15 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:05:19:53 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0027 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:02:54:46:602 TT = 1993:311:02:54:46:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0028 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:03:54:48:802 TT = 1993:311:03:54:48:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:05:20:49:015 ST: 0364 311:05:20:49 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:06:54:56 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0029 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:04:54:51:002 TT = 1993:311:04:54:51:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0030 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:05:54:53:202 TT = 1993:311:05:54:53:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:06:55:52:015 ST: 0364 311:06:55:52 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:08:30:00 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0031 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:06:54:55:402 TT = 1993:311:06:54:55:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:08:30:56:016 ST: 0364 311:08:30:56 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:10:04:44 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0032 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:07:54:57:602 TT = 1993:311:07:54:57:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0033 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:08:54:59:802 TT = 1993:311:08:54:59:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:10:05:40:020 ST: 0364 311:10:05:40 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:11:39:48 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0034 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:09:55:02:002 TT = 1993:311:09:55:02:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:11:40:44:017 ST: 0364 311:11:40:44 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:13:14:32 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0035 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:10:55:04:202 TT = 1993:311:10:55:04:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0036 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:11:55:06:402 TT = 1993:311:11:55:06:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:13:15:28:016 ST: 0364 311:13:15:28 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:14:49:32 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0037 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:12:55:08:602 TT = 1993:311:12:55:08:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:14:50:28:061 ST: 0364 311:14:50:28 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:16:24:09 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0038 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:13:55:10:802 TT = 1993:311:13:55:10:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0039 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:14:55:13:002 TT = 1993:311:14:55:13:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:16:25:05:015 ST: 0364 311:16:25:05 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:17:58:53 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0040 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:15:55:15:202 TT = 1993:311:15:55:15:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0041 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:16:55:17:402 TT = 1993:311:16:55:17:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:17:59:49:086 ST: 0364 311:17:59:49 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:19:33:54 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0042 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:17:55:19:602 TT = 1993:311:17:55:19:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:19:34:50:016 ST: 0364 311:19:34:50 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:21:08:37 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0043 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:18:55:21:802 TT = 1993:311:18:55:21:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0044 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:19:55:24:002 TT = 1993:311:19:55:24:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:21:09:33:015 ST: 0364 311:21:09:33 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 311:22:43:41 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0045 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:20:55:26:202 TT = 1993:311:20:55:26:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:311:22:44:37:015 ST: 0364 311:22:44:37 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:00:17:35 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0046 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:21:55:28:402 TT = 1993:311:21:55:28:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0047 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:22:55:30:602 TT = 1993:311:22:55:30:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0049 DS: 2 FST = 1993:311:23:59:49:522 TT = 1993:312:00:00:00:000 NS: 1162 SPS: 10 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:00:18:31:016 ST: 0364 312:00:18:31 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:01:52:39 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0048 DS: 4 FST = 1993:311:23:55:32:802 TT = 1993:311:23:55:32:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:01:53:35:016 ST: 0364 312:01:53:35 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:03:27:13 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0050 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:00:55:35:002 TT = 1993:312:00:55:35:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0051 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:01:55:37:202 TT = 1993:312:01:55:37:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:03:28:09:015 ST: 0364 312:03:28:09 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:05:01:57 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0052 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:02:55:39:402 TT = 1993:312:02:55:39:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0053 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:03:55:41:602 TT = 1993:312:03:55:41:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:05:02:53:017 ST: 0364 312:05:02:53 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:06:36:57 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0054 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:04:55:43:802 TT = 1993:312:04:55:43:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:06:37:53:087 ST: 0364 312:06:37:53 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:08:11:34 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0055 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:05:55:46:002 TT = 1993:312:05:55:46:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0056 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:06:55:48:202 TT = 1993:312:06:55:48:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:08:12:30:015 ST: 0364 312:08:12:30 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:09:46:35 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0057 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:07:55:50:402 TT = 1993:312:07:55:50:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:09:47:31:015 ST: 0364 312:09:47:31 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:11:21:09 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0058 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:08:55:52:602 TT = 1993:312:08:55:52:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0059 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:09:55:54:802 TT = 1993:312:09:55:54:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:11:22:05:016 ST: 0364 312:11:22:05 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:12:56:06 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0060 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:10:55:57:002 TT = 1993:312:10:55:57:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0061 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:11:55:59:202 TT = 1993:312:11:55:59:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:12:57:02:016 ST: 0364 312:12:57:02 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:14:31:06 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0062 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:12:56:01:402 TT = 1993:312:12:56:01:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:14:32:02:016 ST: 0364 312:14:32:02 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:16:05:50 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0063 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:13:56:03:602 TT = 1993:312:13:56:03:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0064 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:14:56:05:802 TT = 1993:312:14:56:05:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:16:06:46:021 ST: 0364 312:16:06:46 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:17:40:54 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0065 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:15:56:08:002 TT = 1993:312:15:56:08:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:17:41:50:015 ST: 0364 312:17:41:50 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:19:15:38 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0066 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:16:56:10:202 TT = 1993:312:16:56:10:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0067 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:17:56:12:402 TT = 1993:312:17:56:12:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:19:16:35:016 ST: 0364 312:19:16:35 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:20:50:38 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0068 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:18:56:14:602 TT = 1993:312:18:56:14:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:20:51:34:060 ST: 0364 312:20:51:34 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:22:25:15 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0069 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:19:56:16:802 TT = 1993:312:19:56:16:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0070 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:20:56:19:002 TT = 1993:312:20:56:19:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:312:22:26:12:016 ST: 0364 312:22:26:12 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 312:23:59:59 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0071 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:21:56:21:202 TT = 1993:312:21:56:21:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0072 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:22:56:23:402 TT = 1993:312:22:56:23:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:00:00:56:016 ST: 0364 313:00:00:56 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:01:35:00 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0073 DS: 4 FST = 1993:312:23:56:25:602 TT = 1993:312:23:56:25:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:01:35:57:017 ST: 0364 313:01:35:57 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:03:09:43 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0074 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:00:56:27:802 TT = 1993:313:00:56:27:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0075 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:01:56:30:002 TT = 1993:313:01:56:30:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:03:10:40:016 ST: 0364 313:03:10:40 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:04:44:47 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0076 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:02:56:32:202 TT = 1993:313:02:56:32:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:04:45:44:015 ST: 0364 313:04:45:44 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:06:19:21 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0077 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:03:56:34:402 TT = 1993:313:03:56:34:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0078 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:04:56:36:602 TT = 1993:313:04:56:36:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:06:20:18:017 ST: 0364 313:06:20:18 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:07:54:25 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0079 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:05:56:38:802 TT = 1993:313:05:56:38:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:07:55:22:016 ST: 0364 313:07:55:22 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:09:28:59 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0080 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:06:56:41:002 TT = 1993:313:06:56:41:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0081 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:07:56:43:202 TT = 1993:313:07:56:43:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:09:29:56:016 ST: 0364 313:09:29:56 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:11:03:42 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0082 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:08:56:45:402 TT = 1993:313:08:56:45:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0083 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:09:56:47:602 TT = 1993:313:09:56:47:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:11:04:39:016 ST: 0364 313:11:04:39 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:12:38:46 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0084 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:10:56:49:802 TT = 1993:313:10:56:49:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:12:39:43:016 ST: 0364 313:12:39:43 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:14:13:30 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0085 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:11:56:52:002 TT = 1993:313:11:56:52:002 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0086 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:12:56:54:202 TT = 1993:313:12:56:54:202 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:14:14:27:015 ST: 0364 313:14:14:27 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:15:48:31 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0087 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:13:56:56:402 TT = 1993:313:13:56:56:402 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:15:49:28:016 ST: 0364 313:15:49:28 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:17:23:04 AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0088 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:14:56:58:602 TT = 1993:313:14:56:58:602 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 DAS: 0364 EV: 0089 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:15:57:00:802 TT = 1993:313:15:57:00:802 NS: 180110 SPS: 50 ETO: 0 State of Health 93:313:17:24:01:016 ST: 0364 313:17:24:01 AUTO DUMP COMPLETE 313:17:49:40 IG1 128 313:17:49:41 IG1 512 313:17:49:42 IG1 2048 313:17:49:43 IG1 8192 313:17:49:43 IG1 1 313:17:49:46 IG2 128 313:17:49:46 IG2 512 313:17:49:47 IG2 2048 313:17:49:48 IG2 8192 313:17:49:48 IG2 1 313:17:49:52 IG3 128 313:17:49:52 IG3 512 313:17:49:53 IG3 2048 313:17:49:54 IG3 8192 313:17:49:54 IG3 1 313:17:50:01 IC11 313:17:56:10 IC12 313:17:56:10 IC13 313:17:56:11 IC10 313:17:56:12 IG1 8 313:17:56:13 IG1 32 313:17:56:15 IG2 8 313:17:56:16 IG2 32 313:17:56:18 IG3 8 313:17:56:19 IG3 32 313:17:56:28 ACQUISITION STOP REQUESTED 313:17:56:28 ACQUISITION STOPPED 313:17:56:28 STANDARD FORMAT OMEGA EXTERNAL CLOCK 313:17:56:28 EXTERNAL CLOCK IS LOCKED 313:17:56:28 FINAL AUTO DUMP CALLED DAS: 0364 EV: 0090 DS: 4 FST = 1993:313:16:57:03:002 TT = 1993:313:16:57:03:002 NS: 178118 SPS: 50 DAS: 0364 EV: 0091 DS: 2 FST = 1993:313:17:50:01:322 TT = 1993:313:17:50:12:632 NS: 3818 SPS: 10