SAN BERNARDINO 03, #200333 SEGY FILES: 4 byte IBM floating point standard SEGY file samprate is 0.5 milliseconds numsamp is 10000 samples per trace record length is 5 seconds SEGY FILE 1: FFID'S 1001-1188 SEGY FILE 2: FFID'S 1189-1376 SEGY FILE 3: FFID'S 1377-1564 SEGY FILE 4: FFID'S 1565-1752 SEGY FILE 5: FFID'S 1753-1940 SEGY FILE 6: FFID'S 1941-2028 SEGY FILE 7: FFID'S 2029-2316 SEGY FILE 8: FFID'S 2317-2505 PARAMETERS: source = seisgun shooting 8 gauge blank shells into 14" hole and explosives placed in shallow (10') holes pwave geophones = Mark Products L40A geophones, 40 hz, 335 ohms shot South to North, 5 meter shot and geophone spacing 1505 shots shots from stations 2-1681 242 channels per shot geos from stations 1-1717 175 skipped shotpoints 364210 total number traces, 10000 samples per trace SHOOTING LAYOUT: active source shotpoint geophone FFID type stations stations --------- ---- -------- -------- 1001-1173 sgun 2-176 1-242 1174-1275 sgun 183-310 117-358 1276-1359 sgun 311-411 254-495 1360-1463 sgun 412-525 354-595 1464-1549 sgun 526-631 468-709 1550-1644 sgun 634-741 576-817 1645-1735 sgun 742-852 684-925 1736-1830 sgun 853-963 785-1026 1831-1942 sgun 964-1077 907-1148 1943-2046 sgun 1078-1189 1018-1259 2047-2153 sgun 1190-1304 1133-1374 2154-2265 sgun 1305-1420 1245-1486 2266-2360 sgun 1421-1521 1361-1602 2361-2505 sgun 1527-1681 1476-1717 San Bernardino Survey Notes: The Line consists of two parallel lines of shots and geophones, approximately 1 meter apart. Shots are every 5 meters, and the corresponding geophone is 1 meter away perpendicular from the survey line. Each shot/geophone location is a station. Most shots were shotgun shots, but roughly every 8 shots was an explosive (exp) shot. Often the line will "jump" 5-10 meters in a perpendicular direction in order to cross a street or river. Often the line will jump to an overpass then jump back to the surveyed line. The geos will sometimes be to the East of the shots, and sometimes to the West of the shots. station| comment 1 | start at big tree, off Fairview Dr, NE of I-10 and I-215 23 | at brushline 52 | at concrete drain 61 | 2 meter South of "city limit" sign 85 | at concrete pad for transformer 105 | start of guardrail 126 | halfway up small hill 147 | 1 meter South of transformer pad 176 | last shot before ramp 177-| 6 skipped shotpoints in road, no geos 182 | 183 | first shot after road 215 | first shot under Orange Show Rd 219 | last shot under Orange Show Rd 243-| 11 skipped shotpoints in road, no geos 253 | (maybe 6 instead of 11) | (245 = first on pavement, 250 = first on ramp) 254 | first geo after break, last on ramp 255 | first on grass 256 | first shot after road break 265-| pivot point 266 | 282 | 4 meter South of concrete wash | (same as first orange survey mark on bridge) 283-| skip 9 shotpoints 291 | 313 | shot 2 meter too far North 334 | shot 2 meter too far North 353 | last before Inlet Drive exit 354 | shots jump 10 meters West, first on median 359 | last in median 360 | first on grass 372-| in medium of Inlet Center exit ramp 373 | 374 | entrance ramp from Inlet Center | (geos starting to move off surveyed line) 375 | ~2 meters East of surveyed line 377 | back on surveyed line 391 | first under Inlet Center Drive overpass 396 | last under Inlet Center Drive overpass 400 | just North of overpass, shift 20 meters East up hill 447 | exp shot 2 meters North of surveyed point 448 | exp shot 2 meters South of surveyed point 466 | 1 meter North of "Right Lane Must Exit" sign 484 | by gas pipe 517-| Mill St exit ramp 518 | 523 | fence corner (527-547 geos very close to shots) 543 | 3 meter South of Mill St 544-| skip 4 shotpoints 547 | 548 | fence corner just North of Mill St (552-571 geos very close to shots) 559 | line shifts East 7 meters 567 | last along fence 576 | last before on-ramp 577-| Mill St on-ramp 578 | 582 | pivot point after downhill from ramp 620 | 3 meter South of concrete wash 621-| skip 6 shotpoints 626 | 627 | 1 meter North of concrete wash 672-| very close to concrete drain 681 | 712 | 3 meters South of RR fence 713-| on RR tracks 715 | 716 | 1 meter North of RR fence 735 | at South fence for Rialto Rd 736-| on Rialto Rd 739 | 740 | 1 meter North of Rialto Rd fence 775 | 2 meter East of surveyed point 776 | 3 meter East of surveyed point 782 | 1st shot North of North edge of 2nd St 785 | 4th shot North of North edge of 2nd St 814 | last shot before 3rd St 815-| skip 3 shotpoints South of 3rd St fence, no geos 817 | 818 | skip 1 shotpoint on South sidewalk of 3rd St, no geo 819-| skip 3 shotpoints on 3rd St, no geos 821 | 822 | skip 1 shotpoint on North sidewalk of 3rd St, no geo 823 | 1 meter North of 3rd St fence 858 | 3 meters South of on-ramp 859 | on on-ramp 860 | 1 meter North of on-ramp 863 | first on asphalt in between on-ramps 867 | South edge of on-ramp 868 | 4 meter East of surveyed point in on-ramp 869 | 2 meter East of surveyed point in on-ramp 871 | back on surveyed line 876 | bottom of on-ramp hill 892 | pivot point, line bends West 899 | last shot along fence 902 | first beneath overpass 906 | last beneath overpass 907 | 5 meter North of North edge of overpass | (907-934 very close to freeway) 919 | pivot point, line bends East 924 | 1 meter East of survey point in exit ramp | (actual line increasingly departs from surveyed line) 934 | last geo before exit ramp, 10 meter East of surveyed line) | 935 | next station jumps 10 meter West across exit ramp, at "exit" sign 936 | first shot after a long break 946 | 3 meter North of South edge of overpass | 947 | next shot 10 meter East, uphill, North of overpass | (947-962 geos vary perpendicular to surveyed line) 963 | geos shift 3 meters West, are now West of shots 965 | first shot along fence 1066 | start up hill 1068 | top of hill, 2 meter South of overpass 1070 | 3 meter North of South edge of overpass 1072 | 2 meter South of North edge of overpass 1075 | bottom of hill 1113 | last shot before asphalt (except for exp shot) 1118 | on South portion of on-ramp 1119 | North edge of on-ramp 1136 | geos shift to be East of shots 1176 | 1 meter North of South edge of on-ramp 1177 | 3 meter South of North edge of on-ramp 1180 | geos shift to be West shots 1192 | 3 meters North of South edge of Baseline 1195 | 1 meter South of North edge of Baseline 1202 | geos shift to be East shots | (1178-1206 geos very close to concrete drain) 1231 | concrete drain turns to the East, away from the line 1233 | going downhill 1234 | South edge of exit ramp 1236 | North edge of exit ramp 1239 | 1 meter North of South edge of exit ramp | (geos shift to be West of shots) 1240 | at North edge of exit ramp (22-53 for FFID 2236 and after) 1347 | shots jump 3 meter West 1352 | South edge of overpass 1354 | North edge of overpass 1383 | last shot near concrete drainage ditch 1388 | at start of fence 1420 | at 18th St gate 1439 | 2 meter North of gate 1443.5| exp shot in between 2 normally spaced shots 1462 | South edge of gate 1463 | North edge of gate 1471 | 1 meter South of gate | 1480 | at gate 1492.5| exp shot in between 2 normally spaced shots 1508 | shots shift 2 meters West, geos now East of shots 1511 | shots shift back 2 meters East, geos now back to West of shots 1522 | South edge of Highland Ave sidewalk 1523-| 4 skipped shotpoints in road, no geos 1526 | 1527 | just West of Higland Ave sidewalk, geos now East of shots 1544 | at fenceline 1545 | first on asphalt, geos now West of shots, subsequent shots | on the street for a while 1545-| geos in the street, approximately one meter West of the shots 1549 | (for FFID 2469 and after, geos 28-20 to 28-22 were on the | sidewalk edge, more than 5 meters West of the shots, | then the shot at 28-23 jumps West 3 meters, | so subsequent geos are much closer to the shots) 1550 | geos on sidewalk edge, 1.5 - 2 meters West of shots to | 1609 | (29-26 = last shot on street, last geo on sidewalk edge) 1610 | shots jump 3 meters West, over the fence and onto the grass 1615 | shot is 2 meters too far North 1622 | at gate 1626 | at South edge of 27th St | 1627-| on 27th St 1628 | 1629 | 1 meter North of 27th St 1630 | at gate | 1679 | at gate 1680 | last shotgun 1681 | last exp shot | 1717 | last geophone |