IRIS General Announcements

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Active Message Threads for January 2019

The IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program is now in the final days of accepting applications for the summer of 2019! The deadline to apply is February 1st. Full details on the application process and the online application form can be found here. Our program evaluations demonstrate that YOU, as faculty advisors have a strong influence on a students decision to apply to an internship program. Thus, please consider sharing the information below wit… [more]
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Dear IRIS Colleagues, Some of you have been asking how the ongoing partial government shutdown is affecting IRIS and the facilities and services we provide to the IRIS community. IRIS, of course, is funded primarily by the NSF and NSF is one of the Federal agencies facing a lapse in funding during the shutdown. Since IRIS is an independent, non-profit corporation and not part of the government, IRIS employees can continue to work during a shutdown. However, during a shutdown IRIS cannot nor… [more]
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Reminder: If you have’t filled out the “Community Input Form” ( <>) yet, please take a few minutes to do so. Your input could very well have a significant impact on the recommendations of the CORES committee. Thanks, Bob Dear IRIS Colleagues, The National Research Council of the National Academies is conducting a “decadal” study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research … [more]
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In 2019 and 2020, IRIS will establish a new pool of portable magnetotelluric (MT) systems at the PASSCAL Instrument Center in Socorro, New Mexico. The facility aims to broaden the participation of principal investigators in MT research by increasing opportunities for experiments by non-specialists and encouraging combined seismic-MT deployments, with user training and data handling support available through the PIC at no extra cost. The vision for this facility is described in a previous… [more]
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Apply by February 15, 2019, 11:59 PM Eastern Time at To encourage collaborative research between IRIS member institutions and international partners, we invite international undergraduate students to apply for internships to perform seismological research relating to geological hazards. This program aims to create new research and educational opportunities for international undergraduates and to cultivate long-term partnerships across bord… [more]
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Bob Detrick
2019-01-10 21:09:41
NSF’s Division of Ocean Sciences is sponsoring an April 1-3, 2019 facilitated workshop in Alexandria, Virginia to address plans for future 3D and deep crustal seismic data acquisition for NSF-funded basic research in the marine geosciences. The meeting will necessarily be limited to about 40 participants. We invite researchers interested in participating to submit a statement of interest for this Future of Marine Seismic Capabilities Workshop via SurveyMonkey to:… [more]
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Michael Hubenthal
2019-01-07 17:06:31
All, The IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program is accepting applications for the summer of 2019! Details on the application process and the online application form can be found here. The deadline to apply is February 1st. Please share the following with your students!!!! If you are an undergraduate math, physics, geoscience or computer science student interested in exploring Earth and developing new skills, please consider applying! Our program… [more]
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IRIS has finalized a comprehensive report on the design and operation of the EarthScope Transportable Array in the Lower-48 U.S. This incorporates community feedback received on a draft version that was made available in June, includes several expanded and reorganized sections/figures, and more fully acknowledges of the individuals and groups that contributed to the success of the project. The low and high-resolution versions of the report are available here:… [more]
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Dear IRIS Colleagues, The National Research Council of the National Academies is conducting a “decadal” study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES) for NSF’s Division of Earth Sciences. The purpose of the CORES study is to: (1) identify a concise set of high-priority scientific questions for the next decade, (2) assess infrastructure needed to address these questions, and (3) determine opportunities for greater collaboration with other NSF divisions and direct… [more]
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