[iris-bulk] G-cubed theme: The Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction System: A Comprehensive Overview

IRIS irismail at iris.washington.edu
Fri Feb 1 09:05:27 PST 2008


Please consider submitting your relevant research to the following
special volume in G-cubed titled: The Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction
System: A Comprehensive Overview.  Deadline for submission is January

Theme description:
The Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) subduction system, one of the NSF-MARGINS
Subduction Factory Initiative focus sites, has received substantial
attention from both the US and Japanese geoscience communities over
the last 10 years. Large geophysical (swath bathymetry, gravity and
magnetics, deep magnetotellurics, computer modeling, and broadband and
multichannel passive and active seismics) and geochemical (magmatic
volatiles, volcanic gas sampling, cross-chain dredge sampling, forearc
drilling) studies have been carried out to investigate the full nature
of this subduction system and its governing dynamics. Results from
these experiments elucidate the detailed structure of the subduction
system from the subducting Pacific Plate, across the forearc, arc, and
backarc spreading centers and, for the first time, illuminate the
dynamic processes that govern this and other subduction systems. Taken
together, these studies provide one of the first comprehensive working
models for active subduction and backarc spreading. This proposed
G-Cubed Theme seeks to bring together the new and comprehensive
geophysical and geochemical results from IBM, collected by US
scientists (supported via NSF-MARGINS and other programs), and by
Japanese geoscientists at IFREE, JAMSTEC, and other institutions.

If you have any questions, please contact any of the Guest Editors at:

Shuichi Kodaira kodaira at jamstec.go.jp
Sara Pozgay sara.pozgay at anu.edu.au
Jeffrey Ryan jgryan at tampabay.rr.com

Apologies for any cross posting.

Thanks and have a good day,

Sara Pozgay, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
The Australian National University
Research School of Earth Sciences
61 Mills Road
Acton, ACT 2601
02.6125.6108 office
02.6257.2737 fax
0433.581.461 cell
work sara.pozgay at anu.edu.au
SKYPE sara.pozgay at gmail.com

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