[iris-bulk] (Job) Research position in geodesy available at the French National Geographic Institute

IRIS irismail at iris.washington.edu
Tue Feb 26 10:02:26 PST 2008

Research position in geodesy available at the French National  
Geographic Institute


The Laboratoire de Recherche en Geodesy (LAREG) has the responsibility  
at the international level of the definition, execution and long-term  
maintenance of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS).  
This responsibility is part of the contribution of the National  
Geographical Institute to the International Earth Rotation and  
Reference Systems Service (IERS). Instantiation of the ITRS, called  
ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame, see http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr 
). Long term stability of ITRF at a millimeter accuracy level is a  
prerequisite for the observation of slow geophysical phenomena, which  
relies on comparing geodetic positions for years or even decades away.

In this context, the laboratory has carried out several projects based  
on analyzing and accumulating time series of positions as well as  
Earth orientation parameters. The analysis of these time series  
reveals seasonal variations that may reflect both systematic errors of  
space geodesy techniques and geophysical phenomena. We are interested  
in the study of the movement of the gravity center of the Earth and  
all types of large-scale deformation (earthquakes, atmospheric,  
oceanic and hydrological overloads), either to improve knowledge of  
these movements and deformations, and understand artifacts, or to  
validate space geodesy findings (based on comparing of measurement  
techniques and geophysical modeling). This research, as well as the  
recent publication of ITRF2005, has pointed out the need to develop a  
focused research on the accuracy of the reference system (in  
particular its origin and its scale) and understand the movement and  
deformation that can pack his determination.

Research position

The ‘chargé de recherche’ works within the ‘reference system’ team, in  
close collaboration with other laboratory experts specialized in  
reference systems, space geodesy, and processing of GNSS and LASER  
observations. He is expected to cooperate closely partners  
laboratories specialized in geophysics.

His research will revolve around the theory of estimation. He will  
devise new approaches as for the modeling of non-secular movements,  
their inclusion in the estimate of the error of determining the  
gravity center and scale of reference, and will study the contribution  
of non linear estimation methods (e.g., genetic algorithms).

He will address various issues as for modeling the movement and  
distortion of the Earth, in partnership with other teams in the fields  
of Geodesy and Geophysics (in France and abroad). He will focus on  
analyzing and quantifying the causes. His contribution in these areas  
is primarily geodetic, experts in geophysics will take advantage of  
his results to confirm or refute theories on the origin and nature of  
the movements.

This research activity entails the use of a range of scientific  
software packages designed for processing geodetic data. Research may  
include developing additions to these software packages.

Taking part in international working groups is also to be considered a  
plain part of this position.

Knowledge and Skills

1 / The successful candidate will have a good knowledge of estimation  
theory, at least in the field of linear estimation (least squares,  
inverse problems, estimator accuracy).

2 / He will have a working knowledge of Geodesy; a research experience  
involving space geodesy data processing will be a plus

3 / The successful candidate will master analysis and numerical  
calculations, and the most common geodetic software packages.


Applications are online and must be submitted before April 4, 2008:


after submitting your file, you will be invited to take part in a  
competitive exam. Oral exam sessions will be held after June 9, 2008.

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