[SAC-HELP] macros

Arthur Snoke snoke at vt.edu
Thu Sep 14 12:17:35 PDT 2006

I confess I have not thought very much about macros, because a technique 
I have used for several generations of sac seems to work.

I have made up an "init.m" file that runs when I start sac.  I do this by 
creating an alias for sac:

equake{snoke}451: alias sac
/usr/local/bin/sac /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
equake{snoke}452:  cat /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
* SAC macro to intitialize environment each time SAC2000 is started.
*echo on
setmacro /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros
window 1 x 0.00 1.00 y 0.30 0.92
*lh columns 2
sc echo "To get header values in two columns, use lh columns 2"
qdp 10000
xdiv power off
xlabel 'SECONDS'
ylabel l r 'EAST           NORTH           VERTICAL'
ylabel off
*echo off

I suggest trying to upgrade from sac2000 to the newer versions if you can 
get them either through IRIS or asking LLNL for the binary version.

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