[SAC-HELP] SAC: Using transfer function to get data in the correct units

Mac Green magreent at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 08:06:58 PDT 2010

Hi SAC Users,

I am using a rotational sensor with a transfer function

W(f) = A*s^2/[(s - p1)*(s - p2)*(s - p3)*(s - p4)*(s - p5)],


 A=6727500 V/(rad/sec)*Hz^3;

p1 = 0.02 Hz

p2 = 0.04 Hz

p3 = 23 Hz

p4 = 65 Hz

p5 = 90 Hz

I would appreciate any help in converting data that is currently in counts
to data in radians or radians per second.

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