[SAC-HELP] getfhv - t0 marker

Kayla Kroll kkrol001 at ucr.edu
Sun Apr 24 12:10:37 PDT 2011


   I would like to get the 't0' header information from a large number of
events. The fortran code (f77) below works perfectly when I replace the 't0'
in the getfhv call by 'a', however when written as shown, I get the
following error:

* ERROR: Undefined header field value. t0*

      call rsac1(fn2,array,nlen,beg,del,max,nerr)
       if (nerr.gt.0) then
       print*, nerr
       go to 8888
      call getfhv('t0',t0,nerr)
       if(t0.lt.0) then
       go to 9999

I have also tried replacing 't0' with 't1' as it is in the manual, but that
produces the same error.

The data does exist in the headers:

[aten:EventWaveforms/0406_0614/10145282] kakroll% sac
 SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [02/05/2008 (Version 101.1)]
 Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California

SAC> r *ZY*EHN*sac
10145282.ZY.COON.EHN.sac 10145282.ZY.MLDN.EHN.sac 10145282.ZY.OCCM.EHN.sac
10145282.ZY.OYSB.EHN.sac 10145282.ZY.PNTO.EHN.sac 10145282.ZY.SHCM.EHN.sac
10145282.ZY.USG.EHN.sac 10145282.ZY.WAGN.EHN.sac
SAC> lh t0

  FILE: 10145282.ZY.COON.EHN.sac - 1

     t0 = 5.096052e+00

  FILE: 10145282.ZY.MLDN.EHN.sac - 2

     t0 = 3.196018e+00

  FILE: 10145282.ZY.OCCM.EHN.sac - 3

     t0 = 3.546471e+00

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Kayla Kroll
UC Riverside
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