[SAC-HELP] units of EVDP in SAC

George Helffrich george.helffrich at bristol.ac.uk
Fri Jul 22 00:25:16 PDT 2011

Dear All -

	With the suggestion I'm trying to impose brevity and a syntactical uniformity on the way SAC's commands are expressed.  DEPTH-M is kind of clunky to type.  Given SAC's parsing primitives, a lone "KM" or "M" would achieve setting a default for retrieval of values from the header too.  Perhaps I should have expressed the syntax as  [DEPTH <d>] [{KM | M}] to make this more clear:  you don't have to provide a DEPTH value to set a default.

On 22 Jul 2011, at 01:34, Arthur Snoke wrote:

>> Suggest the command line option be named DEPTH <d> {KM | M} like the syntax for FUNCGEN IMPSTRING <m> <n> {SECONDS | POINTS}.
> If I know in advance that EVDP does not have the default units, both my suggested syntax for TRAVELTIME or Philip's taup routine have a mechanism for dealing with that.  If I do not know the units, how would that option help?

          George Helffrich
          george.helffrich at bris.ac.uk

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