[SAC-HELP] taup_setsac errors in setting theoretical arrival times of phases

Alireza Alinaghi alireza.alinaghi at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 03:58:42 PDT 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

In an attempt to put the theoretical arrival times in SAC headers, I have
used a program contained in TAU_P package, called "taup_setsac".  I called
this program both within and without SAC environment but I always get the
following error:

SAC> taup_setsac -ph P -evdpkm -verbose GRA1.Z
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at edu.sc.seis.TauP.TauP_SetSac.parseCmdLineArgs(TauP_SetSac.java:353)
at edu.sc.seis.TauP.TauP_SetSac.main(TauP_SetSac.java:382)

Does anyone know what goes wrong? Or are there alternative ways to do the

I have SAC 101.4 running on Fedora14 with Java SE  build 1.6.0_25-b06.
The other TAUP programs run without any error.

Thank you in advance for your hints.

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