[SAC-HELP] sac problems with MacOSx 10.7

jose rial jar at email.unc.edu
Tue Jan 24 14:01:18 PST 2012

I'm running SAC on Mac OSX 10.7.2 and thought it installed correctly and 
seems to work OK, it crashes a lot. It
crashes sometimes as in the example below after seemingly routine 
commands, like read and plot. Sometimes it crashes for
a segmentation fault, without apparent motive, just when plot is invoked.

SAC> lp co .001 n 4 p 2
SAC> p
SAC> xlim 8000 20000
SAC> p
SAC> ls
159.18E 72.82S.txt                      TALDICE_18O_TALDICE1_8-25ka.txt
HP [Converted].jpg                      cucu.sac
HP.ai                                   taldice.sac
Stenni et al_Nature Geoscience_2011.pdf untitled [Converted].jpg
TALDICE-d18Orecord_8-25kyr.xls          untitled.ai
SAC> r taldice.sac
SAC> p
Assertion failed: (dpy->xcb->pending_requests_tail->next == NULL), 
function append_pending_request, file xcb_io.c, line 129.

Other times it crashes due to an apparent segmentation fault.

If sac is launched again it fails right off the bat, so I have to 
restart my computer in order for it to work for another, say half hour, 
until it crashes again...

Does anyone have similar problems?


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