[webservices] Programmatic access to the database of seismic events

Tim Ahern tim at iris.washington.edu
Fri Sep 2 20:10:08 PDT 2011

We don't have the client available yet that would let you extract the timeseries data for an event.  It is a work in progress yet.
You can use tools like jWeed available from our software page to do this however.  The public version still uses a corba 
technology.  The web services version is improved and faster but not yet ready for release.


Director of IRIS Data Services
1408 NE 45th Street #201
Seattle, WA  98105

(206)547-0393 x118             
(206) 547-1093 FAX

On Sep 2, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Popov Semen wrote:

> I apologize for the molestation.
> Tell me please. As for the resulting seismic event (for example, http://www.iris.edu/ws/event/query?originId=7657723), to obtain information about related timeseries (http://www.iris.edu/ws/timeseries/) .
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Popov Semen <prosluda at gmail.com>
> Date: 2011/9/3
> Subject: Re: Programmatic access to the database of seismic events
> To: tim at iris.washington.edu, webservices at iris.washington.edu
> Thanks a lot.
> Tell me please. Is there still any Web services that are in beta stages that are not represented on http://www.iris.edu/ws/. If the ability to test them?
> 2011/9/3 Tim Ahern <tim at iris.washington.edu>
> Hello 
> I believe the most appropriate method would be to use our web service called ws-event.  You can find a beta release at http://www.iris.edu/ws/event/.
> It returns event information in QuakeML, an internal consensus standard.  Although still beta we do not anticipate but can not guarantee changes to the
> XML format,
> A simple builder that helps you understand the URL query string can be found at 
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/builder/event/
> Let me know if this will help you...
> Cheers
> Tim 
> Director of IRIS Data Services
> 1408 NE 45th Street #201
> Seattle, WA  98105
> (206)547-0393 x118             
> (206) 547-1093 FAX
> On Sep 2, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Popov Semen wrote:
>> Hello
>> Tell me please. Can I programmatically (Java) to access a list of seismic events, similar to how it is implemented in a web form (http://www.iris.edu/SeismiQuery/sq-events.htm).
>> I want to display on a Google map of seismic events in the form of points for a given time interval, the magnitude and other parameters.
>> Tell me please, is there any solution for this functionality.
>>  Regards, Simon.

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