[webservices] abbreviations in query params

Philip Crotwell crotwell at seis.sc.edu
Tue Apr 30 08:33:41 PDT 2013


The main page for the fdsn dataselect and station web services say that you
should use network, station, location and channel. But the examples
sometimes use abbreviations like "sta". This example on the main fdsn
station page uses "network" but also "sta".


Another point of confusion is that the docs for the fdsn event services
allow minlat instead of minlatitude, but the station docs seems to say
latitude must be spelled out in full.

The spec at http://www.fdsn.org/webservices/FDSN-WS-Specifications-1.0.pdfallows
these abbreviations, so I am guessing they are allowed for all
services. Can you clarify what abbreviations are allowed and update the web
pages to reflect this? I would rather form and send shorter urls, but don't
want to do that if things like "sta" are artifacts of the implementation
and might cease to work in the future.

It would also be really nice if the fdsn web service pages had links to the
actual FDSN web service spec. Since you are trying to implement that,
people might as well refer to it.

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