[webservices] New version of irisFetch MATLAB request tool (2.0.1)

Celso Reyes celso at iris.washington.edu
Thu Jun 20 18:51:19 PDT 2013

Hello WS users,

The DMC has released version 2.0.1 of the irisFetch.m MATLAB request tool.  This release contains fixes, updates, and new features.

Download irisFetch.m v2.0.1

Release Highlights:
Fixed issues where station and network codes were lost when requesting arrays of channels
Fixed channel field names for consistency with station, network, and the previous irisFetch version.
Trace data defaults to type "double", making it more compatible with MATLAB's routines, which often error with other datatypes.
Various documentation updates
Fixed existing error with java date conversion, apparent once irisFetch is used with IRIS-WS library 2.0.2.

Please visit the revisions page for a more detailed list of changes.

Link to the irisFetch home page: http://www.iris.edu/dms/nodes/dmc/software/downloads/irisFetch.m/2-0-1/

The current IRIS-WS java library can be retrieved from:  http://www.iris.edu/dms/nodes/dmc/software/downloads/iris-ws/2-0-2/

Or, check out our FAQ

Please contact us with questions, feedback, or concerns.

IRIS DMC web services team
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