[webservices] event query with catalog/contributor

Chad Trabant chad at iris.washington.edu
Thu Mar 14 14:24:14 PDT 2013

Hi Philip,

No, there is no way to select via a list of contributors.  This is also not part of the specification for the FDSN version of the service, and it's not an extension we plan on offering unless a more people ask for it (a comma-separated list would also mean comma's are disallowed in a contributor string, not really a big deal but a consequence to consider).  Honestly, the use case is pretty narrow and something like your suggestion of making two separate queries is probably more appropriate.

As for returning a 400 or 404, we will think on that a bit.  I think I understand your logic (the list of contributors is know and it could be checked), but I could extend that argument to networks, stations, locations, channels and perhaps more.  Should we return a 400 when a network is requested that we have no data for?  Or do we return "no data" (404 in the case of this service).


On Mar 14, 2013, at 12:05 PM, Philip Crotwell <crotwell at seis.sc.edu> wrote:

> Is there a way in the event service to query for events that are in the NEIC PDE-W or NEIC PDE-M but not get events that only occur in the NEIC PDE-Q or NEIC ALERT? In other words, I want to process using the weekly or the monthly, but I don't want to use the Q or the ALERT.  
> Some time ago I was told that you cannot specify more than one contributor, which seems to be the case as this query returns no data. So, my guess is that I need to do this as 2 separate queries and merge the results locally if both return data?
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/event/query?starttime=2010-10-27T06:30:00&endtime=2011-10-01T06:30:00&minmag=7&contributor=NEIC+PDE-M,NEIC+PDE-W&orderby=time&output=xml
> Also, if you are not going to accept multiple contributors or catalogs, it might be good to cause an 400 error on this query instead of a 404. You do checking on some other fields like orderby and output, so might as well check catalog and contributor.
> In other words this query gives a 404 but probably should give a 400.
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/event/query?starttime=2010-10-27T06:30:00&endtime=2011-10-01T06:30:00&minmag=7&contributor=BLAH&orderby=time&output=xml
> Similar for this one.
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/event/query?starttime=2010-10-27T06:30:00&endtime=2011-10-01T06:30:00&minmag=7&catalog=BLAH&orderby=time&output=xml
> thanks,
> Philip
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