[webservices] Erratic Behavior from Time-Series Service

Robert Weekly rtweekly at iris.washington.edu
Fri Jul 31 14:27:47 PDT 2015

Hello Charles,

Yes, actually, we had noticed some warnings crop up recently about timeseries service performance.  

We took a closer look at the timeseries service and have restarted our systems to clear out any cache’d requests that may be taking up resources.  Some quick tests from our side look promising, and we suspect this will alleviate the issues you have been running into.  

Thank you for the feedback about the timeseries service and please do not hesitate to contact us if you continue to notice any problems.

Thank you,

Robert Weekly
Quality and Deployment System Engineer
[e] rtweekly<at>iris.washington.edu

> On Jul 31, 2015, at 12:25 PM, Charles Ammon <cja12 at psu.edu> wrote:
> I am seeing some erratic behavior from the time-series service. It appears as if many requests are timing-out. I have not yet checked the logs, but the behavior began in the last two weeks or so. Has something changed?
> ================================i====================================
> Charles J. Ammon, Department of Geosciences
> Penn State University / 440 Deike Bldg / University Park, PA 16802
> VOICE: (814) 865 2310 / FAXES: (814) 863 7823 or (814) 863 8724
> http://eqseis.geosc.psu.edu/~cammon/ <http://eqseis.geosc.psu.edu/%7Ecammon/>
> http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/c/j/cja12/ <http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/c/j/cja12/>_______________________________________________
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