Thread: FY2019 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) International Postdoctoral Fellow Programme

Started: 2018-04-04 02:33:01
Last activity: 2018-04-04 02:33:01
Institution: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Open Until: 2018-05-28

JAMSTEC is recruiting a total of 4 - 5 International postdoctoral fellow positions.

JAMSTEC wants to help talented young researchers who have completed promising Ph.D. theses to develop their scientific excellence. For this purpose, JAMSTEC has established an international postdoctoral fellowship programme. It is intended that research grants will be provided to successful applicants which will facilitate smooth start-up of his/her research in JAMSTEC (¥1,000,000 for the first fiscal year and ¥500,000 for each of the second and third years). The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period.

Successful applicants to this programme are expected to conduct scientific work independently on research topics of their own proposing or to proceed with research at JAMSTEC. The successful applicant will also have access to the necessary facilities and equipment at JAMSTEC during the contract period.
A mentor will be designated to each JAMSTEC International Postdoctoral Fellow, who will facilitate his/her research activities and evaluate research progress each year.

Any natural science or engineering field.
(We welcome applicants without experience or background in Oceanography or Earth Sciences.)

Applicants are required to have been awarded or expect to have obtained a Ph.D. in a related field by the date of employment. In addition, no more than five years may have passed between the last day of the fiscal year in which the applicants obtained a Ph.D. and the date of employment. (Applicants who earned a Ph.D. after April, 2013 will be eligible.)

*Persons of any nationality and either gender are encouraged to apply.

Work Place:
Any of the following JAMSTEC research sites:

Yokosuka Headquarters, Yokohama Institute of Earth Science, Kochi Core Research Institute, or Mutsu Research Institute

Details of our Agency:

Details of this recruitment:

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