Thread: SSA 2019 session on "Metamaterials, Resonances and Seismic Wave Mitigation"

Started: 2018-11-29 15:49:38
Last activity: 2018-11-29 15:49:38
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleague,

we would like to draw your attention to our session entitled "Metamaterials, Resonances and Seismic Wave Mitigation, an Emerging Trend in Seismology"at the SSA Annual Meeting 2019 in Seattle, US (

Important info:
Meeting date: 23-26 April 2019
Abstract submission: 11 January 2019,
Deadline for travel grant applications: November 30th. (

Do not hesitate to inform your colleagues and students about this opportunity to present their work. We hope to see you there!

Title: Metamaterials, Resonances and Seismic Wave Mitigation, an Emerging Trend in Seismology
Abstract: The study of the interaction between waves propagating in a medium and its structure continues to be one of the most active research areas of wave physics and notably seismology. After the introduction of a new class of artificially engineered media called “metamaterials” in electromagnetism and acoustics, the idea that full control on wave propagation can be achieved through an appropriate design of the medium’s microstructure is now widely accepted. In elasticity for instance, several laboratory experiments have shown how waves can be stopped, converted or amplified using resonant inclusions or periodic arrangement of heterogeneities. This evokes the compelling question whether metamaterial concepts can be scaled up and work for seismic waves at earthquakes frequencies.
Major research directions are emerging in this area including the development of barriers for seismic waves, the design of periodic frames for buildings and, at a larger scale, the study of city layouts that exploit building resonances and site-city interaction (SCI) to mitigate the propagating seismic field.
We invite theoretical, numerical and experimental contributions dealing with metamaterials, site-city interaction and wave control applications, including ground borne vibrations, to the field of geophysics and seismic engineering.

The session organisers

Andrea Colombi, ETH Zürich (andree.colombi<at>
Philippe Gueguen, UGA, ISTerre (philippe.gueguen<at>
Antonio Palermo, Caltech (palerman<at>

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