[iris-bulk] (Job) Graduate summer internships in volcano seismology & geodesy

IRIS irismail at iris.washington.edu
Mon Feb 5 08:40:14 PST 2007

U.S.-Russia-Japan Partnership in Volcanological Research and Education

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) announces the availability  
of paid summer internships for U.S. graduate students from other U.S.  
universities in seismology, crustal deformation, igneous petrology,  
and physical volcanology. Successful applicants will become members  
of a US-Russia-Japan team comparing the response of crustal magma  
systems to catastrophic decompression at Bezymianny and Sheveluch  
Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia, and Mount St. Helens, Washington. The 5- 
year project is part of the National Science Foundation’s program,  
Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE), which  
seeks to introduce US graduate students to internationally  
collaborative science. The ideal student participant will be at an  
early or middle stage of her or his PhD program, be physically and  
mentally prepared for rigorous field investigations under difficult  
conditions, and have a strong interest in international collaboration  
and understanding. It is also desirable that the!
   student’s major advisor share an interest in the research and,  
although not a requirement, that the work can become a component of  
the student’s PhD program. Complete announcement and application  
forms can be obtained at http://gps.alaska.edu/PIRE and by contacting  
the relevant science team leaders below. The deadline for application  
is March 15. Selections will be made by April 1.

  	Michael West (west at gi.alaska.edu)
  	Jeff Freymueller (jeff at giseis.alaska.edu)
  	Pavel Izbekov (pavel at gi.alaska.edu)
U.S. Coordinator
  	John Eichelberger (eich at gi.alaska.edu)

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