[SAC-HELP] glibc detected (when trying to get polezeros using rdseed)

Arthur Snoke snoke at vt.edu
Wed Dec 21 19:44:41 PST 2011

I have trouble following your discussion, but there are problems both with 
RDSEED v5.1 and with running the compiled SAC v 101.5 on Linux (64 and 
maybe 32 bit).

You say you are using the pre-release version of SAC 101.5.  Bugs were 
fixed between then and the "real" release.

I do not work with Linux, but my impression is that Linux, unlike Sun and 
Mac, keep only the libraries for the current release.  Hence, on Mac, a 
binary built on 10.6 will run on 10.7 (or a 10.4 build will run on 10.5) 
and on Sun a build on 2.8 will (probably) run on 2.9 or 2.10 because Mac 
and Sun keep the old libraries.  If a Linux binary does not work on your 
machine, try building it from sources.

There are problems with RDSEED v5.1 with polezero files (see the TRANSFER 
help file for the final SAC v101.5 release).  On some systems the END time 
is something like 1991, so it will not find your files.  I got around that 
by manually changing the END times.  (One can concatinate all the pz files 
and do a global change or you can use sed.)  There are also occasionally 
exceptions that bomb RDSEED in v5.1.  v5.2 is about to come out or you can 
use v5.0 if these fixes do not help.

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